Mercy Road Daily Prayer ~ Thursday, March 31, 2011

Great and Loving God,

You are with me all the time. You are always around me, guarding my life from every side, protecting my heart, soul, body, and mind from the things that would draw me away from you. You shield me from things that are far more evil than I can imagine, defending me with your power and might. Though I continue to stumble into greed and pride, lust and envy, anger, gluttony, laziness and so on, you keep me from falling totally away from you, by supporting me from all directions.

There is no place I can go to escape from you. Nowhere in the heavens, nor down in the deepest depths of the of the grave. For you are always with me; even there, you are with me. North, south, east, or west, wherever I go, whatever I do, I cannot leave you behind nor fly from your presence, because you surround my life with comfort and grace. You support me and strengthen me from all side with your love and mercy though your people. You are always mindful of me and you know me better than I know myself.

You know everything about me because you created me. With great care and precision, you made every part of my body and every fiber of my soul. When I realize that you knew everything about me before I was even born, before I was made in my mother’s womb, I am amazed.

No thoughts I have are hidden from you. No fear, doubt, or emotion is concealed from your sight. Nothing I think or feel is a surprise to you, because you know my heart, and you know my mind. Yet you still love me and care for me. You still guide me according to your glorious will. Before the world was created, before there was time, you planned out every day of my from the first to the last, so that you could care for me, and I could glorify you. So that is what I will seek to do (Based on Psalm 139:7-16).

With all of my heart, soul, strength, and mind, I will seek to love you, and worship you (Luke 10:27). I will work to bring you glory in everything I do (1 Corinthians 10:31). With every breath that I take I will speak of your great mercy and tell of your great love (Isaiah 63:7). I will praise you for your compassion (Psalm 119:156) and honor you for your power (Jeremiah 16:21). I will live my life to bring you glory, in good times and bad, in joy and sorrow, from the very beginning of life to the knowing with all of my heart, to the depths of my soul, that you are always in control (Isaiah 40:10-11) end, come what may.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.