Mercy Road Daily Prayer ~ Friday, June 10, 2011

Lord God,

Thank you for your goodness and your faithful love. Thank you for redeeming me and rescuing me from the power of sin and death. Thank you for bringing me back into your presence when I wandered off, and strengthening me when I had lost hope. Thank you for hearing me in my distress and leading me back to you.

I will praise you for your great love and the wonderful things you have done. I will worship you because you fill all my needs and satisfy all my longings. Though I experienced darkness and despair when I rejected you will and pursued my own desires, I cried out for help in my misery and you saved me. Though I was bound to my sin so tightly that I could not get lose, you freed me from it’s grip on my life by your great love. When I was imprisoned by my own anxieties and fears, you knocked down the walls that kept me in and kept me from experiencing your grace.

Though some continue to suffer in their sins because they foolishly refuse to accept or even acknowledge your provisions, even they will be healed when they cry out to you for help. For, your compassion is abundant and your provision is generous beyond compare.

Lord, listen to my prayer and hear my cry for help! When I am troubled, do not turn away from me because of my sin, but listen and answer my cry, for some days, Lord, I feel like my life is fading away. Some days I feel I feel lost, weary, apathetic, and bleak. Nothing brings me joy. Nothing eases my angst. I lie awake at night worrying about things that have happened, are happening and could happen, but admittedly may not. I worry as if my anxiety and fear did some good, and then fret some more when I remember that they don’t. Lord, I feel like my life is fading away, but I know you never do. You never change, but always remain the same, forever, and ever.

Sovereign God, remember the promise you made to your people. Remember your promise to be our Shepherd and our God. Remember your promise to redeem us in love through your Son, Jesus Christ. Remember your promise to teach us your word, to write it on our hearts, to forgive our wickedness and remember our sin no more. Remember the promise that Jesus died to fulfill, that we might be healed and live for you.

Help me Lord, to sacrifice for you and fill my heart with joy. Help me to see your work in my life, and to feel the guiding power of your Spirit. Though it’s likely my life will be tossed about by trouble like a ship on a stormy sea, save me from sinking when I cry out for help, because of your wonderful love for me.

I pray all these things in Jesus’ name,
~Psalm 102; Psalm 107:1-32; Ezekiel 34:17-31; Luke 10:38-42; Heb. 8:1-13.