Mercy Road Daily Prayer ~ Monday, September 26, 2011

Lord God,

I enjoy worshiping you because of your kindness and endless love for me. I willingly tell others about your faithfulness and the promises you made to your people. I look forward to the day when Jesus returns to establish your Kingdom here on earth, and all creation joins together to praise you for the amazing things you have done.

Who, on earth, can match your power, Lord? Who in heaven can equal your holiness? For your arm is stronger than the greatest of armies. Your word controls even the raging sea. Everything you do demonstrates your faithfulness and glory. All your creation displays your mighty power. All your Kingdom is built on justice and mercy. Grace and truth define everything you do, for the blessing of your people and the glory of your name.

Indeed, I am blessed to praise you, gracious God. I am blessed to follow you in the light of your presence. I find satisfaction simply in speaking your name, for it reminds me of who you are and all the wonderful things you have done for me.

You give me strength to face each day with hope, though I’m discouraged and weary from the trials of life. You give me courage to deal with the struggles I face, when I fear I will be overwhelmed. You protect me from various hazards and threats, even when I don’t realize I’m in danger of harm. And ultimately, Lord, you save me from myself and my sin, though your servant and Son, who will fulfill your promise and establish your Kingdom.

O, how I look forward to that day, Lord God. I wait eagerly for your Son to arrive and pray that you will not get fed up with me before them. Do not cast me away from your presence because of my weaknesses and failures. Do not reject me because of my sin, for I know I am messed up and broken inside and out, and I realize I would be hopeless without you in my life. Do not let my pride be my get the best of me. Do not let my self-righteousness and rebellion be my ruin. Cast out my ignorance, hypocrisy, malicious talk, and all that makes me unholy in your sight. Reveal my sin, remove it from my heart and cast it out, but do not cast me away from your presence.

Instead, gracious God, teach me what you require of me. Show me how to be faithful to you. Drive out the idols of my heart and help me to worship you, and you alone. Help me to obey and follow your instructions. Help me to respect your word. Help me to trust you for everything I need, instead of trying to control everything myself.

Help me to trust you for financial provision. Help me to trust you for food. Help me to trust you for protection of my children, from physical, emotional, and spiritual harm. Help me to trust you for companionship. Help me to trust you for clothing. Help me to trust for your will to be done and your justice to be maintained even in the midst of injustice. Help me to trust you, Lord, when everything seems out of control, when the bad seems to outweigh the good and evil seems to be winning the day. And help me to trust you for my own salvation, so I can stop trying to earn your love through my works. Help me not to worry about anything in life and to know that I am greatly loved, because you know what I need more than anything else, is the forgiveness and salvation that you give through your Son.

In whose glorious and holy name I pray, Amen

~Read: Psalm 89:1-52; 2 Kings 17:24-40; (1 Corinthians 7:25-31); Matthew 6:25-34