Mercy Road Daily Prayer ~ Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lord of my heart and God of my life,

Calm my anxieties and soothe my fears. Give me peace with my current circumstances, and guard my heart from envy, for I know that those who reject your commands, ultimately will fail. I know they will pay for their rebellion and sin; but as for me, I will trust you and do good to everyone I meet. I will depend on your care and do my best to reflect your glory for all to see.

So, give me patience, Lord, and help me to wait for your timing. Calm my anxieties and soothe my fears so that I can persevere in your plans. Help me to resist bitterness and renounce anger, so I might live in your presence and pray for those who reject you. For soon, they will disappear. Before long, they will permanently be cut off from you. Meanwhile, I will delight myself with you Lord, and live forever with your peace.

Make me slow to anger and quick to love. Give me contentment and joy with what I have. Uphold me in your righteousness and make me blameless in your sight, through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

Turn the hearts of all people toward you and rid the world of your enemies for the glory of your Kingdom. Make me generous and compassionate to everyone I meet. Help me to be content with my life, and to delight in blessing of my family and friends. Turn my heart away from evil and help me to do good so that I can live with you forever.

Because, I know how you love justice, Lord. I know you speak the truth. I know that you will never forsake me but will preserve me through all the troubles and trials that I face. Lead me on to your glory, my God and King. Guide me by your truth and grace to your presence and peace.

Give me the wisdom to speak to those with doubts, and help me to promote your justice with every word that comes from my mouth. Write your law on my heart and protect me by your great power. Be my stronghold and salvation from sin. Deliver me from wickedness and let me take refuge from life’s storms in you.

Be with me wherever I might go, Lord, so I can continually offer myself to you as a living sacrifice.
Heal all my brokenness and wash away the stain of all my sin. Be my hope, forever, and ever.

I pray all these things by the name of your beloved and chosen servant, Jesus Christ, who proclaims justice by the power of your Spirit and victory to all who put their faith in him, Amen.

~Read: Psalm 37:1-40; Ezra 1; (1 Corinthians 16:1-9); Matthew 12:15-21