Mercy Road Daily Prayer ~ Monday November 28, 2011

Lord God,

I know it is a blessing to receive your word and obey your law. I know it should bring me joy and delight. Even so, I confess, gracious God, that is it not as important to me as it should be. Though I know your word will produce fruit in my life and strengthen my trust in you, at times, I admit, I am like the faithless who are tossed about by life’s storms because they do not root their lives in your word.

Lord, I know you watch over me every day, and I pray you will continue to guide me despite my fickle faith; for when I look around at the lives of those who don’t know you, I am perplexed. I don’t get why they do the things they do. I don’t understand why they reject you in favor of fame, wealth, power, beauty, and so forth. It must make you laugh at how foolish they are, and I can be as well.

After all, though I have known you for a long time, my faith still feels very immature; and yet, you sent your Son to be my Lord, and you call me to serve him with joy. Though my faith is weak, you do not give up on me or leave me to suffer in my own sin. Instead, you give me refuge in Christ, my Savior and King.

Save me, my God, and rescue me from all that threatens to destroy me. Lift my head so I can see your glory, and shield me so I am safe. When I cry out to you, mighty God, I know you will answer, because you are faithful and true. Even when I sleep, you sustain my life. Wherever I go, you are there. You give me victory over defeat and provide salvation over death and sin.

Answer me when I call to you, holy God. Have mercy on me, and hear my prayers; free me from my persistent troubles and sin. Because you chose as your child and called me to yourself, do not let me be controlled by my selfishness and sin, but make me holy, just as you are holy. Give me the wisdom to examine my own motives and the strength to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you. Be kind to me, Lord, and bless me with your joy and peace.

Give me shelter, O Lord, and let me find refuge in your presence. Do not hand me over to my sin, nor let be overwhelmed by their consequences, yet show me where I have done wrong and correct me when I have failed. Redeem my sinful heart and heal my brokenness. Remove any selfishness and pride you find in me Lord, and make me pure so reflect your righteousness. Turn my heart towards you, however many times it takes, so I can find refuge in your presence.

I thank you Lord for your righteousness, grace, and the forgiveness that is mine through Jesus Christ, who makes all my prayers, pleasing and acceptable to you.
In his name I pray, Amen.

~Read: Psalm 1, 2, 3, 4, 7; Amos 2:6-16; 2 Peter 1:1-11; Matthew 21:1-11