Mercy Road Daily Prayer & Bible Reading ~ Friday, April 20, 2012

~ Read Leviticus 27
Lord God,

You have redeemed me. You have bought me back from my sin. You've removed my guilt and erased my debt. You've released me from my obligation to pay for the wrongs that I've done, and freed me from the consequences of my selfishness and pride. You've cleared me of any wrongdoing. You've repaired my brokenness, and brought me back to life. You've released me from blame and rescued me from my bondage to sin. You have redeemed me, and paid a ransom for my soul.

When I think of all that you have done for me, my heart is filled with gratitude and my eyes with tears. You intervened for my salvation and paid the price that I could not pay with your own blood. You died as an atoning sacrifice for my sins, when I did nothing to deserve it, though I could do nothing to repay you.

The redemption you've accomplished and applied to my life through Jesus Christ, reveals the depth of your love for me, and the abundance of your mercy and grace. It demonstrates and testifies to my heart that I am greatly valued. As Joseph Hart wrote in his famous hymn so many years ago, "Dearly we're bought, highly esteemed; redeemed, with Jesus' blood redeemed
Come, raise your thankful voice,
Ye souls redeemed with blood;
Leave earth and all its toys,
And mix no more with mud.
Dearly we're bought, highly esteemed;
Redeemed, with Jesus' blood redeemed.

Christians are priests and kings,
All born of heavenly birth;
Then think on nobler things,
And grovel not on earth.
Dearly we're bought, highly esteemed;
Redeemed, with Jesus' blood redeemed.

With heart, and soul, and mind,
Exalt redeeming love;
Leave worldly cares behind,
And set your minds above.
Dearly we're bought, highly esteemed;
Redeemed, with Jesus' blood redeemed.

Lift up your ravished eyes,
And view the glory given;
All lower things despise,
Ye citizens of heaven.
Dearly we're bought, highly esteemed;
Redeemed, with Jesus' blood redeemed.

Be to this world as dead,
Alive to that to come;
Our life in Christ is hid,
Who soon shall call us home.
Dearly we're bought, highly esteemed;
Redeemed, with Jesus' blood redeemed.

~Joseph Hart, 1712-1768

Thank you, Lord, for redeeming me that I might live for you, through Christ my precious Lord and Savior, I pray, Amen!