The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller

Get the Kindle edition of Tim Keller's book on marriage for only $2.99 (and it works with the free Kindle apps for smartphones and computers). Here is a brief excerpt. 


 A man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery.  .  .  . Ephesians 5: 31– 32

"I’m tired of listening to sentimental talks on marriage. At weddings, in church, and in Sunday school, much of what I’ve heard on the subject has as much depth as a Hallmark card. While marriage is many things, it is anything but sentimental. Marriage is glorious but hard. It’s a burning joy and strength, and yet it is also blood, sweat, and tears, humbling defeats and exhausting victories. No marriage I know more than a few weeks old could be described as a fairy tale come true. Therefore, it is not surprising that the only phrase in Paul’s famous discourse on marriage in Ephesians 5 that many couples can relate to is verse 32, printed above. Sometimes you fall into bed, after a long, hard day of trying to understand each other, and you can only sigh: “This is all a profound mystery!” At times, your marriage seems to be an unsolvable puzzle, a maze in which you feel lost."

Keller, Timothy (2011-11-01). The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God (Kindle Locations 237-243). Penguin Group. Kindle Edition. 

Purchase a copy of "The Meaning of Marriage" here.