A Promise to an Antagonist

I wrote this a number of years back, and ran across it this morning as I was looking for another file on my computer. It's not very well written, but I liked the sentiment, so I thought I'd post it. 

A Promise to an Antagonist

If I serve with the expectation of something in return,
I’ve only benefited myself.
If I sacrifice on the condition that you do the same,
I’ve given up nothing.
If I love, only when I’m loved,
Encourage, only when I’m encouraged,
Forgive only when I’m forgiven,
Or support only when I’m supported,
I’ve failed to love Christ as I should,
and revealed the true nature of my heart.

So, hate me, if you will, and I will show you love.
Malign me, and I will show you compassion.
Reject me, abuse me, lie about me, or to me,
And by God’s grace, I will absorb the pain,
And offer you the same forgiveness he has offered me,
so that in my life, Christ might be glorified